Sunday, November 22, 2009

journalists chase sensational topics

"Journalists chase sensational topics." Daily Source. 22 Nov. 2009

There is tendency for the press and journalists to publish stories that are sensational. Sensational topics people consider are: murders, accidents, kidnappings, sex scandals and the like. In a survey by the American Society of Newspaper Editors, 80 percent of the American public said they believe journalists chase sensational stories because they think it will sell papers, not because they think it is important news. Also, another 85 percent of the public believes that newspapers frequently over dramatize some news stories just to sell more papers.

It is sad that the public has a negative opinions about the news medias they are supposed to have trust. I also think that journalists seek news that sound more exciting and interesting than boring politics and environment issues. But who can blame those journalists? If a journalists keep write about some boring articles and get fired, who will feed himself/herself? Plus, we, the public love sensational topics too.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really see any problems with journalists posting interesting stories because let's be honest, who wants to read boring news? I certainly don't, I like to read about the murders and accidents and the bizarre news around the world.
