Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Media's Effect On Girls: Body Image and Gender Identity

Arthor unknown, Media's Effect On Girls: Body Image And Gender Identity, April 3rd 2009. National Institude on on Media and Family.

Since the end of World War II, the media such as: television, movie, magazine, video games started to portrait girls with thinner, and thinner body. As a result, a child growing up in this image will immediately begin to explore what her body feels like and can do. She will easily get influenced by how people around her react to her body and how she looks and becomes very aware of the society's standards. For example, teen-age girls who viewed commercials showing female model with unrealistically thin ideal type of beauty caused adolescent girls to feel less confident, more angry and more dissatisfied with their weight and appearance (Hargreaves, 2002).

Even though this article does not talk about boys and I am not a girl, I agree to this statement that girls get hugely affected by the media because boys get affected too. When media portray girls with thin and beautiful women, boys are portraied as muscular handsome boy good at sports. I don't know if it is just me but I don't get affected by those medias at all, maybe because I don't watch any TV shows. I am satified who I am (not all but mostly) so I personally don't understand why people would get so stressed to be like a role model.

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